
Walnut, Oak, & Maple, Mixed Hardwood Knife Block Set

From $170.00

This block is made from a mixture of hardwoods, including Maple, Oak, and Walnut. 13 slots. Made to accommodate the Rada Cutlery Essentials Knife Set

Knife Block will be DISCOUNTED with the purchase of the Essentials Knife Set Shown.

Availability: In stock

SKU: B58MIX-SET Categories: ,

Walnut, Oak, & Maple Mixed Hardwood Knife Block.

This knife block is hand crafted using a blend of hardwoods such as Maple, Oak, and Walnut. It features 13 slots specifically designed to hold the Rada Cutlery Essentials Knife Set.

Knife Block will be DISCOUNTED with the purchase of the Essentials Knife Set Shown.

The knife set includes the following:

The Rada Slicer (r107/w207) With its 7″ blade and 11⅜” overall length, this knife is perfect for slicing prime rib or cutting up cabbage.

The Rada Cook’s Knife (r134/w234) is a versatile tool that can be used for chopping and mincing vegetables and herbs. This knife has a 6¼” blade and 10⁷/8″ overall length.

The Rada Bread Knife (r136/w236) can cut through any kind of bread without crumbling or squashing, whether it’s a soft loaf, a bun, or a crusty ciabatta or French bread.

The Rada Tomato Slicer (r126/w226) is designed specifically for slicing tomatoes. Its 5″ dual-serrated blade allows for clean, straight cuts without squashing the tomatoes.

Rada Super Parer (r127/w227) with its 4⅜” blade can easily cut through tough veggies or a bagful of potatoes. It is a useful tool to have in the kitchen.

The Rada Cook’s Utility (r140/w240) comes with a 8⁵/8″ overall length and 4¾” blade, it is the ideal size for various tasks.

Finally, the Rada Regular Paring Knife (r101/w201) is Rada’s best-selling product. With its 3¼” blade and 6¾” overall length, it is a handy knife that can slice and pare with ease.



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